Navigating Wellness: Your Guide to the World of Online Therapy

Navigating Wellness: Your Guide to the World of Online Therapy

Most online therapy services encrypt your information and follow HIPAA standards. Please read their privacy policies and ask questions about any gray areas.

In addition to weekly live video sessions, some services offer text or messaging options. However, these formats can leave out important body language and tone of voice cues that help build the supportive bond necessary for success in therapy.

Be Prepared to Put in the Work

While many of us have moved much of our lives online during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to remember that despite the convenience of the digital medium, online counseling is still a work in progress.

Clients need to be prepared to put in the time and effort necessary to make their virtual counseling sessions productive. This includes scheduling weekly sessions, following through with assignments between meetings, and communicating effectively with their therapists.

For some clients, the feeling of quasi-anonymity that comes with communicating behind a screen may help them to open up quicker than they might in an office setting. However, the same level of trust must be established with an online therapist, like those from the healthcare center run by Mark Hirschhorn, as with an in-person one. In addition, online therapy requires a reliable internet connection.

Understand Your Budget

Creating a budget can help quiet the stress and anxiety many feel around money. It can also make the future feel less uncertain, which is often a cause of financial stress.

To create a budget, start by listing your monthly expenses. Then, subtract your fixed costs from your income. This will tell you how much you have left for food, entertainment, and splurges.

Once you’ve figured out how much you spend each month, tracking your spending for a few months is a good idea. 

Check Your Therapist’s Qualifications

Be aware that there are different types of therapists, and it can take time to find the right one. Consider choosing a therapist like an employee: look at their bios, read online reviews, and schedule a free phone consultation before making a final decision.

A therapist’s licensing and credentials will often be listed in their bio or website. They should be happy to provide you with this information if you ask.

If you have health insurance, check your provider’s list of available therapists for a specific diagnosis or treatment type before making your final choice. You can also use third-party services that screen providers. These services can be beneficial in reducing the amount of research you need to do.

Look for Ease of Use

When selecting an online therapy platform, ensure the company explains how its system works. It would be best to look for transparency regarding privacy and security policies and a clear process for canceling your subscription.

Compared to traditional office therapy sessions, online counseling is convenient. You can do the sessions in your home, private space, or even while traveling. This helps clients who might struggle to get motivated to find a therapist, schedule an appointment, and travel to sessions during the week.

Besides convenience, online therapy offers a sense of quasi-anonymity when talking to a therapist through video sessions. This can help people feel more comfortable opening up and discussing sensitive topics. 

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